Announcement: Ending Spoiler Posts Coming Soon

Announcement: Ending Spoiler Posts Coming Soon

Since I read so many books each year, after a while, they tend to all run together in my mind. I forget how books ended, or I forget the big twists and then when someone asks me about it, I can’t remember. Or a subsequent book in a series comes out and it has been at least a year since the previous book or books have been released and read.

I know there are sites out there already that have spoilers to book or movie endings, but often times they won’t have the books I have read. When I looked at the analysis for what brings people to my blog, I noticed that many people land here while looking for either ending spoilers or ending explanations.

I haven’t decided exactly how this is going to work yet. Either I will do a weekly wrap up or I will do them individually. It might be easier to find if done individually, but it also might get a bit unwieldy as well as I generally read quite a few books each week and obviously I don’t post reviews here for each one.

I’m also going to try to post here more in general, so feel free to give input on what you’d like to see.

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