Review: Good Rich People by Eliza Jane Brazier
This is an intriguing book. It is a tongue in cheek satire, but also it is twisty and intriguing. I didn’t think it quite went far enough, but I did like this book better than Brazier’s previous release, If I Disappear . I think this…
Why We Still Get DVDs from Netflix
Netflix’s DVD.com just mailed out its 5 BILLIONTH DVD this week. That’s an amazing feat, especially when a large portion of the population doesn’t realize that Netflix still has a DVD subscription service. I’m a proud member of #dvdnation and I earn points for posts…
On a Break
Sorry for my extended absence, but my husband has been diagnosed with cancer of his eyelid and surrounding area and is looking at surgery and radiation in the very near future. To add to this, I’m working full time grading SAT essays, so I have…
Vacation Inspiration
I have a board on Pinterest that is all about Travel Dreaming…I wanted to make some graphics of my own for that board. We will be taking a trip soon to Coco Plum Island Resort in Belize, that is where these photos were…
In Days of Turmoil…
The important thing for us all to remember is to be kind. Be empathetic. Listen. Be there for your friends and acquaintances. Put down your phone and look at the person you’re talking to. Know that their success is not your failure. You can be…