Mainstream Fiction

Book Review and Giveaway: Still Me by Jojo Moyes (Me Before You #3)

Book Review and Giveaway: Still Me by Jojo Moyes (Me Before You #3)

I must admit, Me Before You made me want to literally throw the book across the room. I truly hated the ending, which made me angry and not sobby sad like everyone else I knew who read it. Yet, I cared enough about Louisa Clark…

Fall Upcoming Books Preview Part 2–Mainstream fiction

Fall Upcoming Books Preview Part 2–Mainstream fiction

There are quite a few books I’m looking forward to reading this fall! This is part two featuring Mainstream Fiction releases. The next posts will feature Mystery/Suspense/Thrillers, Non-fiction, and Young Adult. You can also check out the  Christian Fiction page. Some of these I have already…